Changes to Jisc-Wiley Open Access publishing deal
From 12 October 2020 Jisc will be limiting access to the payment of APCs to authors funded by the Wellcome Trust, UKRI, Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinsons UK and Versus Arthritis. This change, within the first year of the deal, has come as something of a surprise, with notification sent on 21 September. We are hoping that this limitation is temporary until the end of the calendar year 2020. Jisc are due to review the modelling for the deal in the first half of 2021.
Local help and advice: Please check the OAOxford website for further updates. If you have any questions, please email
Charities Open Access Fund (COAF) ended 20 September
We are still awaiting details on Article Processing Charge (APC) payment policies of some of the former COAF funders (Blood Cancer UK, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Parkinson’s UK and Versus Arthritis). The OAOxford website will have further details as they become available.
At present:
- For CRUK, please email to determine if there are funds available.
- For BHF, Blood Cancer UK, Parkinson’s UK and Versus Arthritis, please contact the funder directly.
Wellcome Trust APCs remains unchanged until their new policy takes effect from 1 January 2021.
Coming soon – IET journals to join Jisc-Wiley OA agreement
From 1 January 2021, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) journals will be joining the Jisc-Wiley OA publishing agreement. The process for eligible papers will be the same as for the journal titles currently covered by the agreement.
All of Oxford’s current agreements are listed on the Publisher payment schemes page of the OAOxford website at