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MSD IT Services, the Nuffield Department of Medicine, Humanities IT, and the University's Digital Transformation Programme have partnered to pilot a new 'shared by design' Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system for Professional Services teams. ESM systems offer cutting-edge digital management tools, automation, and AI capabilities to help teams manage their services and work together more effectively.

In June 2024, the first phase started by launching the new ESM system for NDM’s Finance Shared Service Centre. The system has replaced the use of traditional shared email inboxes for managing incoming enquiries and requests. In the first month, over 7,000 enquiries were processed, enabling NDM Finance to now better measure and respond to levels of demand, setting the stage for future improvements to their workload management, reporting, and service delivery. 

With support from the Digital Transformation Programme, MSD IT Services is now planning the second phase scheduled for Autumn 2024. This will expand the pilot to include a larger group of cross-divisional professional services teams and explore new innovations in self-service, automation, and AI capabilities.