Bridging Salary Support
In 2024 MSD began a new Scheme, MSD Bridging Salary Scheme. This scheme runs 4 times per year and aims to support early career researchers working in the Medical Sciences Division who are on externally-funded contracts by providing short-term bridging salary support.
Previously, In April 2020 the Medical Sciences Division suspended allocation of funding through the Medical Sciences Internal Fund (MSIF) Bridging Salary scheme and the Family Leave scheme due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the long-term impact of the pandemic on the research funding landscape, it has been decided not to reactivate these two schemes.
A one-off Health Research Bridging Salary Scheme opened in April 2021 (deadline June 2021) to provide short-term bridging salary support for early career researchers who rely on external funding for their salary and whose research funding has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.