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The Medical Science Division Harassment Advisor Network is a subset of the University Harassment Advisor Network, and are here to provide support, in confidence, to any member of the Division who has experienced bullying behaviour at work.

Introduction to the Harassment Advisor Network

The University does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation and expects all members of the University community, its visitors and contractors to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration. You can read more about University policy.

It may be that you have recently experienced an incident of harassment for the first time, or you may have suffered a prolonged period of harassment in silence, or you might not know if what you experienced constituted bullying behaviour. Whatever stage or circumstance, there are a number of people who are available to help you.

The Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU) have set up a harassment advisor network, and each Medical Science Division (MSD) department has a number of advisors available to all staff. However in case you are more comfortable talking to somebody outside of your department, the Division has over 70 advisors on hand that you can call on.

What our trained Harassment Advisors want you to know – if you feel you have been subject to bullying behaviour:

  • We are here to listen to you, and help guide you. We are not here to judge
  • Everything you say will be kept completely confidential (unless, exceptionally, an individual is considered to be at risk of serious harm)
  • We can help guide you through the potential formal procedures if that is what you want, but talking to us does not mean a formal case is started
  • If you’re not sure the behaviour you experienced was bullying or harassment you are welcome to talk it through with us
  • We have been trained by the EDU to support you
  • You can speak to any advisor listed here if you are more comfortable talking to someone outside your department


Find your local Harassment Advisor

You can find details of your departmental harassment advisors here: Find your local harassment advisor


Use Report and Support

Report + Support is an online platform created especially for use in Higher Education institutions. It provides

  • Support, guidance and information about services relating to bullying and harassment.
  • A way to share information about an experience or concern of bullying or harassment with the University.
  • Insight that will help the University to enhance the support we offer though the Harassment Advisory Service. This insight will also inform harassment prevention work across the University.   

Who can use Report + Support and how does it work?

Report + Support is being piloted for University-employed staff in the first instance. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of bullying or harassment, you can tell the University about it confidentially through Report + Support, either anonymously, or by providing contact details. Anyone can access support and information on the homepage. 

If you share your name and contact details, a Harassment Advisor will contact you to listen to you and then share confidential, non-judgemental advice on your support and reporting options.

Sharing information about an incident or concern of bullying and harassment through Report + Support does not initiate a formal complaint. You can find information about making a formal report about a staff member here, or if your complaint is about a student here.

What other option are available?

Report + Support has recently been introduced by the University as an additional tool in the Harassment Advisory Service. It sits alongside the Harassment Line the Harassment Advisor Network and existing information on sources of support for both students and staff. You can also talk to your line managers and HR staff in your department or college if you feel comfortable to do so. 

Online tools aren't accessible for everyone. If you wish to speak directly to a Harassment Advisor, without using Report + Support, you can find one on the Harassment Advisor Network webpage or on posters around your college or department. You can also contact the Harassment Line

Support for Students

If you are a student, you may want to discuss the matter with your college dean, or another college officer with pastoral responsibilities. At a common room level, the Welfare or Equal Opportunities Officer may be a good person to talk to. Oxford SU Student Advice also provides a confidential and impartial listening and advice service. Alternatively, the University has a professionally staffed confidential Student Counselling Service for assistance with personal, emotional, social and academic problems.

You may also prefer to make use of the University's confidential Harassment Advisor network mentioned above. Details of the Harassment Advisors are posted on departmental and faculty office notice boards and can be found on the following page.