The Hilary Term 2022 deadline for the Returning Carers Fund is Friday 18 February.
Any member of research staff can apply if they have been on caring/maternity/shared parental leave for six months returning within the last 2 years (there can be flexibility here so if you don’t quite meet the criteria please reach out to Katherine Corr!).
Detailed guidance and an application form is available on the University of Oxford website.
In summary, applicants need to cover:
- What impact has maternity leave, shared parental leave, adoption leave or caring leave taken on their career trajectory, activity or plans?
- What barriers are they experiencing on their return?
- How exactly will the requested activity help them overcome this impact/barrier?
- What specific outcomes will this activity contribute to?
- What specific career plans (i.e. on the route to independence) will this activity contribute to?
As ever, Katherine is happy to read and feed back on applications prior to the deadline to ensure the application is as strong as it can be.