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The British Academy Researchers at Risk fellowships programme

The British Academy Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme supports researchers from the Ukraine to take up temporary fellowships at UK institutions. Applications must be made by UK-based researchers and are for a named Ukrainian researcher (and their dependents where applicable).

Please consult the detailed Oxford guidance as the applications have a number of components but there are also multiple sources of help available. 

Next deadlines: Wednesday 29 June and Wednesday 20 July.

New MRC prizes open for nominations

From improving your local research environment to changing clinical practice, if you or your team have used MRC funding to make a significant difference of some kind, consider nominating your work for one of three new MRC Impact Awards. ‘Impact’ is in the widest sense and does not have to mean a finished project leading to external benefits. The Open Science and Outstanding Team Impact awards celebrate these ways of working at any career stage. The Early Career awards recognise strong contributions to research culture, environment or practice, either during or after early-stage MRC support.

The University has a quota for making nominations to the MRC. To nominate yourself or your team for consideration, read MRC’s guidance then complete this internal nomination form by Thursday 30 June. Please encourage others who may fit the criteria to do so also. MRC encourage nominations from groups currently under-represented in research and innovation.

Wellcome Career Development Awards and Discovery Awards

The third rounds of Wellcome’s new personal award schemes are now open to applications: the Early Career AwardsCareer Development Awards, and Discovery Awards. Oxford’s guidance for these applications is available on the Research Services website and for the latter two schemes includes updates reflecting recent clarifications from Wellcome.

MSD applicants for Career Development and Discovery awards should send draft content for the letters of support and non-scientific sections of the application form (as outlined in the relevant guidance document) to by the end of Thursday 30 June. The MSD Research team will offer feedback on these sections for consistency and completeness.

Application guidance for Wellcome Career Development and Discovery Awards

Royal Academy of Engineering Early Career Research Fellowships

Oxford can submit applications from four candidates for these 5-year fellowships. Applications from specific under-represented groups are encouraged. Deadline: Monday 18 July

Read more about the Early Career Research Fellowships

Details of the internal selection process