There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for studies and clinical trials within the Division. Here are a few studies currently recruiting:
Development of biochemical methods: The Nuffield Deptartment of Population Health Wolfson Laboratory is seeking volunteers to donate blood to help develop methods for large-scale epidemiological studies
Healthy 18-22 year-olds needed for EEG study on wellbeing in the brain (2 hours)
COVID-19 Challenge Study - We are looking for volunteers for a COVID-19 study will help us learn more about COVID-19. If you are aged 18-30 years and have previously contracted and/ or been vaccinated against COVID-19, you may be eligible to participate. You will be compensated approximately £4995 for your time, travel and inconvenience.
Volunteers aged 18-65 needed for brain imaging studies of decision-making and action selection
Do you feel low in mood despite taking antidepressants? We are looking for participants for a psychological research study.
Department of Psychiatry are looking for healthy volunteers, aged 18+, to take part in a short video task for a Facial Expression Analysis in Mood Assessment study