How can the Bodleian Health Care Libraries can help you?
Whether you are looking for a space to study, need support developing the search strategy for your systematic review, or just want a quiet place to relax away from your office or lab, the Bodleian Health Care Libraries are here for you.
Come along to an induction at your nearest library to meet some of the library team, explore the library space, and ask any questions you have.
When: 11am, Tuesday 20 February 2024
- Cairns Library, John Radcliffe Hospital
- NOC Library, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre
- Knowledge Centre, Old Road Campus Research Building
Register for Town Hall on rights retention (12:00-1:30pm on 17 January 2024)
Rights retention is an initiative that allows researchers to retain the rights to their work even after it is published. This supports sharing work through open access channels.
The University is looking to update its Open Access Publications Policy in Trinity Term 2024 to incorporate rights retention. The policy update follows on from the launch of a rights retention pilot in January 2023 and review by the University’s Research & Innovation Committee in October 2023.
The update involves changing the University Statute XVI covering intellectual property rights: by virtue of their employment and without requiring any action on their part, employees at the University would provide the rights to make author accepted manuscript versions of their articles and conference proceedings available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0) at the point of publication. Authors wishing to opt-out will be able to do so on a work-by-work basis
If you want to understand what this change is about, please register for the town hall event.
Register for the Town Hall event
Read the full news item about Rights Retention
Learn more and stay up to date with Rights Retention
Wellbeing events in the RSL
In Hilary Term we will continuing a programme of regular and one-off wellbeing events.
Every weekday we have Quiet Time from 4-5pm in the Wellbeing Room. We dim the lights, turn on the fairy lights, bubble tube, and have gentle nature videos on the screen.
Each Wednesday we have Lego Lunch from 1-2pm in the Wellbeing Room. Build a model following instructions or have a go at free building. Feel free to bring your lunch along.
The first Monday of every month we will go on a Nature walk around University Parks from 1-2pm, the next walk is Monday 5 February.
Planned one off events include a free hot chocolate morning, (date tbc) and another visit from the therapy dogs. Keep an eye on the Science and Medicine Bodleian Library blog and X (formerly Twitter) channel to stay up to date on these events.
We think wellbeing is important and want to provide activities and spaces that are beneficial to you. If you have any suggestions for wellbeing events, feedback on the Wellbeing Room or feedback on our programme of events please contact your outreach librarian or email