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Tours for Graduate Students

We are looking to arrange tours of the Old Bodleian Library for graduate students in MSD and MPLS. The dates are to be determined based on interest, you can let us know if you are interested in the tours by contacting


There’s lots of great training available over the next month. We have in person sessions and Microsoft Teams sessions. You can browse all of our training at the Bodleian iSkills website or you can see some highlights on the list below.


Research metrics and citation analysis tools: Part 2 article and researcher metrics

This session will examine article and researcher level metrics. It will discuss how citation counting can help identify influential papers in particular fields and how altmetrics provide a different perspective on research output. Using tools such as Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus you will learn how to calculate a researcher h-index. The session will also allow you to appreciate the limitations of different metrics and the importance of their cautious interpretation.

Reference Management

Introduction to EndNote 20

Do you need help managing your references? Do you need help citing references in your documents? This online session will introduce you to EndNote 20, a subscription software programme which can help you to store, organise and retrieve your references and PDFs, as well as cite references in documents and create bibliographies quickly and easily.

Introduction to Zotero

In this online workshop, you will be shown the functionality of Zotero, which is a free-to-use software programme used to manage references and create bibliographies. Zotero will be demonstrated on a Windows PC but users of MacOS or Linux computers will be able to follow the demonstration.


Search Skills

Introduction to searching: how to find literature on a topic in medicine and health care

An introduction to carrying out searches for literature. Librarians from the Bodleian Health Care Libraries will demonstrate how to construct a search strategy from a research question and apply it to range of library resources.

Introduction to systematic reviews and evidence syntheses

In this online workshop you will be introduced to the principles underpinning the conduct of literature searches for systematic reviews and evidence syntheses.


Open Access

Your thesis, copyright & ORA

Oxford DPhil students are required to deposit a copy of their thesis in the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA). This online session will focus on what ORA is and how to deposit one's thesis in ORA, and how to access help with this process. It will also cover the relevant rights and permissions required and other issues that DPhil students need to take into account when preparing their thesis for upload to ORA.

Forum of Open Scholarship

During this forum speakers from Bodleian Open Scholarship Support and across Oxford will discuss current changes in the field of open scholarship. Including subjects like data, open access, open monographs, copyright and more. It is advised that attendees of the forum have previously attended the Fundamentals and Logistics courses to improve understanding.



The Cairns Library have a new books display that highlights titles on menopause. The books can be borrowed. Pop into the Cairns library and check it out.

Display of menopause books at library