There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for studies and clinical trials within the Division. Here are a few studies currently recruiting:
- The Physiological Neuroimaging Group is looking for healthy volunteers to participate in a behavioural and magnetoencephalography study.
- The Experimental Neurology Group is looking for volunteers to investigate if Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can reduce tremor.
- Volunteers needed to participate in a study investigating how the drugs Zolpidem and Donepezil affect our brain and visual skills.
- Volunteers needed for study exploring how people feel and behave in uncertain situations
16-20 years old? Single-dose losartan or placebo and emotional processing
The effect of FGF2 on emotional processing in healthy volunteers aged 16-35 years (no drug)
Feeling down? Single-dose losartan or placebo and emotional learning
- Volunteers needed for study exploring how specific brain circuits influence emotion processing and decision making