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We are inviting internal Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from University of Oxford staff.


The University of Oxford has been invited to submit one application to a Wellcome call for Institutional Funding for Research Culture. As the basis for a strong institutional application with the potential to make a broad and long-lasting positive impact on our research culture, we are inviting internal Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from University of Oxford staff.  

Staff in any type of role (including academic, research, research-related, and professional services) are invited to propose an important challenge in Oxford’s research culture and innovative approach(es) to address that challenge. We encourage staff to bring together teams with relevant experience and skills. 

If you would like to submit an EOI, please ensure your proposed idea fulfils all the criteria listed below and familiarise yourself with the Wellcome call. Deadline for internal EOI submission: Monday 6 March 2023 12.00 noon via the IRAMS online application system.  

EOIs will be evaluated by the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and the Associate Heads for Research from the four Divisions (the Panel). The Panel will select the specific challenge that will be the focus in the institutional application and may recommend merging or adapting elements from EOIs. We expect the decision to be made by 20 March 2023, or soon thereafter. Preparation of the institutional application (deadline 9 May 2023) will be supported by Research Services and the Medical Sciences Division. 

Costs can be requested up to £1 million for up to 2 years. For the internal EOI, we only expect an outline of the planned activities and expected costs (details below).  

We are happy to answer questions about this call. Contact Mary Muers (Research Culture Facilitator, MSD). 


These criteria are based on the requirements and expectations of the Wellcome call and all are essential for an EOI to be considered further. 

  • Identification of a specific research culture challenge; 

  • Existing evidence that this is a challenge that needs to be addressed in Oxford; 

  • Clear potential for cross-institutional impact; 

  • Innovative approaches to addressing the research culture challenge; 

  • Proposed project team members with a strong track-record of delivery in a relevant area (recommendation to include academics and professional services); 

  • Feasibility within the timescale and funding of the Wellcome call (pilot or proof-of-concept and evaluation completed within 2 years, with a clear path for scale-up), and feasibility for future sustainability; 

  • An approach for evaluation of the outcomes and impact; 

  • Consideration of equality, diversity and inclusivity; 

  • Fit with institutional priorities. 

Expected timeline: 

6 March, deadline for EOI submission 

20 March, decision on the institutional project 

9 May, deadline for submission of institutional application to Wellcome 

What to include in the EOI: 

  • Named team members for the proposed project. 

  • Using the template provided in IRAMS (in the Case for Support tab), provide a one-page description of the proposed project, using the boxes on the template to address the listed criteria. Evaluation weighting for the sections is indicated on the template. 

  • Please note any additional input you would need to develop this into a full application, (for example if you are aware of additional expertise that would be needed). A box is provided on the template.  

  • Headline costs (direct costs only), entered on the Financial Details tab in IRAMS. 

Important notes: 

  • An individual can be involved in and named on more than one EOI; 

  • The Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) will be the lead applicant on the institutional application and up to 5 other individuals will be co-applicants; 

  • For the final application, team members may be changed from the list provided on an EOI; 

  • Ideas from more than one EOI may be merged to build the strongest bid for the institution. 

  • On IRAMS: choose one proposed team member for the EOI as the ‘Principal Investigator’. They are not committed to being the lead for an institutional bid and the team membership may change for development of the institutional application 

  • On IRAMS: include any other proposed team members (up to 4) as ‘co-applicants’. 

  • On IRAMS: under ‘Financial Details’ please include headline costs for staff, consumables and other direct costs with a brief description. Costs can be requested up to £1 million for up to 2 years.  

  • We do not require Departmental approval in IRAMS for this EOI. The departments of team members will be informed after EOI submission. We strongly recommend that you discuss the EOI with your line manager and departmental leadership. 

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