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Are you an academic interested in finding out how your knowledge can be used to solve industry challenges? Would you like to widen your network? Meet potential collaborators / future employees? Gain insights into relevant funding schemes? If you answer YES to any of the above, now is the time to register for the AIMday in Neurotechnology.

Networking events, like AIMdays, are one of the ways in which we bring together innovative companies and world-leading academics.

EVENT POSTPONED - due to the unfolding situation with the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) we have taken the difficult decision to postpone this event. More information about a new date will be provided soon.

The University of Oxford is hosting an AIMday in Neurotechnology on Thursday 26 March 2020. The AIMday will bring together academic and clinical excellence from across the University of Oxford together with industry to help answer the most pressing challenges in this area, as identified by industry. This event is open to all companies working in this area, both large and small. The AIMday series of events provide a low barrier route, particularly for SMEs, to engage with a wide range of academics at the University. This AIMday event is only open to academics and clinicians affiliated with the University of Oxford/Oxford University Hospitals.

FREE registration for academics is now open and closes on Friday 6 March (advance registration is essential).

A range of companies including Brainomix, BIOS Health, Oxford Endovascular, Immersive Rehab, Ceryx Medical (&more) are registered to attend the event and it will be a fantastic opportunity for researchers looking to network with industry and discuss relevant questions.

To see the questions posed by these companies, please visit