Update on library services
Accessing libraries in person is currently only possible by advance booking, whether you wish to use a library desk space or simply to borrow an item. These services are currently available:
- Click and Collect allows borrowers to place requests on SOLO for loanable items, which are then fetched by staff and can be collected in a pre-arranged time slot.
- Browse and Borrow is a new service that enables readers to book a slot for browsing of open shelf collections and borrowing items via self-issue machines or at staffed service points.
- Spacefinder. Demand for spaces in libraries is very high and slots become fully booked very quickly. To assist readers in finding and booking available spaces, a new Spacefinder tool has been launched. New slots are released 7 days in advance between 7:30-9:30 each morning, and additional slots are released each day due to cancellations and same day booking can be made before 8am.
- Getting scans of chapters and articles. Readers unable to access libraries in person can request scans of journal articles and book chapters on SOLO via Scan and Deliver – details are at www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/using/scan-and-deliver. There are two services on offer:
- OffsiteScan from items in off-site storage is available to all Bodleian Libraries readers
- LibraryScan from items in reading rooms is available to current members of the University with a SSO (there is a limit of one request per reader per day)
Latest developments
In view of the latest government announcement please see https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/finding-resources/michaelmas-updates which will be updated over the coming few days. The Bodleian Libraries will align with University and current government guidance on how we can best support you with your work and research throughout Michaelmas term.