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IPAG are seeking a research staff representative to join the Group as a co-opted member. 

IPAG is responsible for advising on the development of University policy on the management, protection, and commercial exploitation of intellectual property. This is great opportunity to learn about intellectual property management at the University, and to represent research staff perspective on emerging policy.

Chaired by Professor Patrick Grant, (Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research)), IPAG reports to Research & Innovation Committee.  Its membership includes senior academics and representatives from Oxford University Innovation.  See the webpage for further information about the group and its membership.

To give you an indication of the time commitment: IPAG meets three times per year and papers are circulated in advance.  The research staff representative on IPAG will also be invited to attend the Research Staff Consultation Group on an ad hoc basis to feedback on key initiatives / policies which impact on the researcher community at Oxford.

This opportunity is open to all fixed term research and teaching staff.  No previous experience of University level committees is necessary and an induction meeting will be offered to the co-opted member. 

If you are interested in joining IPAG for one year, send an Expression of Interest (EoI) to  The EoI needs only to be ~250 words, saying why IPAG is of interest and what you might bring to the meeting discussion.  Please send your email by 23 April 2021.

Any queries, please drop a line to Linda Andrews (at the email address above).