Update on library services
The Bodleian Health Care Libraries are open as follows:
- Cairns Library: Unstaffed, 24/7 access to OUH staff, 8am-5pm access to Clinical Medicine students
- Knowledge Centre: Temporarily closed
- Girdlestone Memorial Library (Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre): Unstaffed, 24/7 access to OUH staff
- Horton Library: Temporarily closed
These arrangements are subject to change at short notice. For details, see www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/hcl/news/ouh-staff-and-clinical-medical-student-access-to-bhcl-libraries-1st-to-5th-february
The Radcliffe Science Library at the Vere Harmsworth Library is open by advance booking only during the following hours until further notice:
- Monday - Friday: 10am-4pm (Click and Collect service 12-4pm)
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Changes to Bodleian Libraries services will be posted at www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/finding-resources/library-updates.
New ebooks and other online resources for medical students
Just a brief reminder that the Bodleian now provides access to a greatly expanded number of online textbooks in support of MSD students, that you can access from anywhere.
There are thousands of individual medical ebooks available via SOLO and we also subscribe to large publisher medical ebook platforms (many of which include a range of extras such as reusable images, videos, and Q&As). Recent additions to our collections include Elsevier ClinicalKey Student, Thieme MedOne Education, and AccessMedicine.
Details of some of the larger ebook packages currently available are given below. All of these should now be working with your University Single Sign On, but do get in touch with us via hcl-enquires@bodleian.ox.ac.uk if you have any problems and of course please do let us know if you have any other comments or feedback on these.
If you can’t find online access to the textbook that you need then please get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.
Please also remember that you can find online versions of your reading lists via Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO) and do take a look at Browzine, our new user-friendly online journal finder.
Elsevier ClinicalKey Student - this major medical ebook platform provides access to hundreds of well-known online medical textbooks (including Kumar & Clark!) as well as videos, images, case studies, and quiz banks/Q&As.
AccessMedicine - 130+ leading medical textbooks, including the latest editions of titles such as Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, and Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment. Also includes videos, images, case studies, and quiz banks/Q&As. Plus access to additional titles via AccessPediatrics, AccessNeurology, and AccessHemOnc.
Thieme MedOne Education - an online collection of illustrated full-colour downloadable textbooks from Thieme's Colour Atlases and Flexibook series. 114 textbooks, 60.000+ images, over 1,000 videos and a training tool with over 1,000 questions and answers, with a mobile app.
Oxford Medicine Online - with 1,000+ medical titles, OMO is an interconnected collection of online medical resources which cover every stage in a medical career, from medical students and junior doctors, to resources for senior doctors and consultants. Key series available include the Oxford Textbooks, Oxford Medical Handbooks, Oxford Specialty Training and Oxford Medical Libraries.
LWW Health Library – the LWW Health ebook collections ‘Medical Education’ and ‘Clerkship/Clinical Rotations’ - these include online textbooks, videos, images, real-life case studies and quiz banks.
CambridgeCore e-books - includes online access 3,000+ textbooks in medicine and psychology from the CUP.
Elsevier 3D Complete Anatomy - 3D interactive anatomy models, clinical video animations, and virtual dissection tools. “Complete Anatomy is a robust and impressive resource for students who wish to supplement their traditional medical education with 3D models and tools to reinforce their learning in the classroom and lab”, according to one recent review. This is not SSO enabled (it uses an app) but you should be receiving information on how to access this very soon from the medical school (if you haven’t already).
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy - 3D online version of Robert Acland’s eminent atlas showing anatomy from fresh human specimens and real body movement. Each volume contains a series of step-by-step video tutorials. The atlas includes a glossary, an A to Z index, and a test yourself exam preparation.