Year 1 students will have one day per week, primarily between January and March 2022, to pursue their academic special interest work. In the middle of Trinity Term (May 2022), they will be required to submit a Literature Review (not a full systematic review) in their area of interest, and this will be assessed as part of their Year 1 examinations. Students should require no more than 2 hours of supervision for this piece of work.
In Year 2, students will have a protected block of 4 weeks at the end of the year (May 2023) to work further on their academic special interest project. It is envisaged that for most students this will follow on from their literature review. Possible project work is envisaged to be broad and may include original experiments or collection of data (qualitative or quantitative), analysis of existing datasets, formal synthesis of existing publications etc.
The students will need to apply for approval of their proposed special interest project and submit an outline plan. At the end of the 4-week block, they will be required to submit an abstract, and they will also give an oral presentation on their project work.
It is envisaged that students will develop their own title and project in conjunction with a nominated supervisor. To facilitate this project work we are looking for potential supervisors (ideally to supervise across both Years 1 & 2). If you are willing to be added to a list of potential supervisors for Graduate-entry students to contact, please e-mail with a brief abstract or a link to your research webpage.