Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
This theme encompasses all researchers using the latest molecular, cell and systems biology techniques to study basic biological processes. A particular strength in Oxford is that much of this work is interdisciplinary, involving collaboration between biologists working at molecular, cellular and systems levels and mathematicians, statisticians, chemists and physicists. This is becoming increasingly important as scientists appreciate that all available tools are needed to fully understand normal and abnormal biological processes. The close links between disciplines in Oxford provides an ideal training environment for graduate students interested in interdisciplinary research.
Areas of strength include membrane biology, receptors and ion channels; gene and chromosomal structure, replication and function; epigenetics; glycobiology; chemical biology; structural biology; and signal transduction. Oxford has excelled facilities for mass spectroscopy, which has revolutionized proteomics research. Oxford scientists also employ advanced imaging techniques such as cryo-electron tomography, super-resolution light microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Oligonucleotide microarrays were pioneered in Oxford and researchers here use these and other cutting edge genomics and statistical tools to investigate the genetic basis of disease. Oxford also has advanced facilities for genome engineering, single cell analysis, flow cytometry, next generation sequencing. Structural biologists in Oxford benefit from access to cutting-edge cryo-electron microscopes and the Diamond Light Source synchroton.
Systems biology, which involves the use of computational models to simulate biological processes, is widely used by many research groups. It is applied over a range of scales from simple molecular pathways to organ systems.
Supervisors in Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Dragana Ahel
AhelAgeing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal Biology
Chromosomal biology
DNA replication and repair
Gene expression
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Ivan Ahel
AhelAgeing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Neurodegenerative diseases
Structural biology
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Embryonic stem cells
Imaging development
Cell biology and microscopy
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Innate immunity and inflammation
Functional brain imaging
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Motor neuron disease
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cell biology and microscopy
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Endocrine action in cancer and endocrine tumors
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
DNA replication and repair
Gene expression
Gynaecological cancer
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Cancer diagnostics (biomarkers and imaging)
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Genetics and epigenetics
Integrative physiology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
Musculoskeletal Science
Myocardial biology & energetics
Neurodegenerative diseases
Pancreatic Islets: physiology, isolation and transplantation
Signal transduction
Structural biology and proteomics
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Lindsay Baker
BakerMicrobiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Anti-microbial drugs
Host-pathogen interactions
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Francis Barr
BarrBiochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Rachael Bashford-Rogers
Bashford-RogersInnate immunity and inflammation
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Cancer diagnostics (biomarkers and imaging)
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Inflammation-driven cancer
Mucosal immunity
Gene expression
Genomics and statistical genetics
Genetic disorders and therapies
Leukaemia and Lymphoma
Lineage Commitment and Differentiation in haematopoiesis
Immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS
Mucosal immunology and inflammatory bowel disease
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Epidemiology and population dynamics
Host-pathogen interactions
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Systems biology
Ophthalmology, visual and circadian sciences
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Antibody and protein therapy
Biomedical engineering
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Immunology of reproduction
Hagan Bayley
BayleyMolecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Embryonic stem cells
Induced pluripotency
Multipotent stem cells
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Gene expression
Genetic disorders and therapies
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Psychology and Psychiatry
Abnormal psychology and mental health
Language development
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Stem cells and cell therapy
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Statistical genetics
Functional brain imaging
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Genetic disorders and therapies
Genomics and statistical genetics
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Structural biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Cardiac development
Cardiovascular Sciences
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Axis patterning
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Embryonic stem cells
Induced pluripotency
Gene expression
Chromosomal Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Chromosomal biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Structural biology
Systems biology
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Andrew Blackford
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Thomas Bowden
BowdenAdaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Antibody and protein therapy
Host-pathogen interactions
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Musculoskeletal Science
Innate immunity and inflammation
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Structural biology and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Genetic disorders and therapies
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Chromosomal biology
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Embryonic stem cells
Functional genomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Imaging development
Induced pluripotency
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Chromosomal Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Cell biology and microscopy
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Integrative physiology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Respiratory Sciences
Signal transduction
Systems biology
Nicola Burgess Brown
Burgess BrownStructural biology, protein science and proteomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Gene therapy
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Psychology and Psychiatry
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Signal transduction
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Signal transduction
Systems biology
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Genetic disorders and therapies
Circadian sciences and sleep
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Motor neuron disease
Neurodegenerative diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Systems biology
Circadian sciences and sleep
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Gene expression
Genetic disorders and therapies
Genomics and statistical genetics
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Induced pluripotency
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Global health
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Patient safety
Cell biology and microscopy
Innate immunity and inflammation
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Biomedical engineering
Stem cells and cell therapy
Surgical science and practice
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Cell biology and microscopy
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Climent Casals-Pascual
Casals-PascualMicrobiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Endocrine action in cancer and endocrine tumors
Integrative physiology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Cardiovascular Sciences
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Psychology and Psychiatry
Abnormal psychology and mental health
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Motor neuron disease
Parkinson's disease
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Inflammatory joint diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Inflammatory joint diseases
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Martin Cohn
CohnAgeing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Chromosomal biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Mathematical modeling
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Imaging development
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Innate immunity and inflammation
Mucosal immunity
Inflammatory bowel disease
Cell biology and microscopy
Systems biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Reproductive, Genitourinary and Sexual Medicine
Sperm, oocytes and embryos
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Gene expression
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Genetic disorders and therapies
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Neurodegenerative diseases
Parkinson's disease
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Signal transduction
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Innate immunity and inflammation
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Structural biology and proteomics
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Structural biology
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Antibody and protein therapy
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Chromosomal Biology
DNA replication and repair
Gene expression
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Chromosomal biology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Alzheimer's disease
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Cell biology and microscopy
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Innate immunity and inflammation
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Integrative physiology
Innate immunity and inflammation
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Systems biology
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Gene expression
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Signal transduction
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Host-pathogen interactions
Immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Cardiovascular Sciences
Vascular disease
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Structural biology and proteomics
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Structural biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Induced pluripotency
Multipotent stem cells
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cell biology and microscopy
Mathematical modeling
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Systems biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Leukaemia and Lymphoma
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Chromosomal Biology
Gene expression
Genomics and statistical genetics
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Cell commitment
Musculoskeletal Science
Biomedical engineering
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Cell biology and microscopy
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Fumiko Esashi
EsashiBiochemistry and chemical biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cancer diagnostics (biomarkers and imaging)
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Chromosomal Biology
Chromosomal biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Genetic disorders and therapies
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Radiation biology
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Mathematical modeling
DNA replication and repair
Gene therapy
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Structural biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Sebastian Fica
FicaBiochemistry and chemical biology
Gene expression
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Ervin Fodor
FodorHost-pathogen interactions
Innate immunity and inflammation
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Gene expression
Anti-microbial drugs
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Matthew Freeman
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Innate immunity and inflammation
Inflammatory joint diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Innate immunity and inflammation
Mucosal immunology and inflammatory bowel disease
Transplantation and tolerance
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Cardiovascular Sciences
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Integrative physiology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Fanni Gergely
GergelyBiochemistry and chemical biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
DNA replication and repair
Chromosomal Biology
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Structural biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Robert Gilbert
GilbertBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Opher Gileadi
GileadiBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Leukaemia and Lymphoma
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Respiratory Sciences
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Antibody and protein therapy
Gene therapy
Geraldine Gillespie
GillespieAdaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Host-pathogen interactions
Immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS
Innate immunity and inflammation
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Systems biology
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Gene expression
Functional genomics
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
David Greaves
GreavesCardiovascular Sciences
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Innate immunity and inflammation
Signal transduction
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Vascular disease
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Jonathan Grimes
GrimesBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Natalia Gromak
GromakAgeing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Chromosomal Biology
Chromosomal biology
Gene expression
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Genetic disorders and therapies
Neurodegenerative diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Chromosomal biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Monika Gullerova
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Gene expression
Genetic disorders and therapies
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Radiation biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Chromosomal Biology
DNA replication and repair
Gene expression
Genomics and statistical genetics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Biomedical engineering
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Clinical neuroscience
Gene therapy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Circadian sciences and sleep
Visual sciences
Ophthalmology, visual and circadian sciences
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Systems biology
Stem cells and cell therapy
Bass Hassan
HassanBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Cancer diagnostics (biomarkers and imaging)
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Clinical trials
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Endocrine action in cancer and endocrine tumors
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Musculoskeletal Science
Genetics and epigenetics
Musculoskeletal oncology
Health economics
Antibody and protein therapy
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Myocardial biology & energetics
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Integrative physiology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Transplantation and tolerance
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Induced pluripotency
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Stem cells and cell therapy
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Host-pathogen interactions
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS
Transplantation and tolerance
Lineage Commitment and Differentiation in haematopoiesis
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Gene expression
Genetic disorders and therapies
Michael Hough
HoughMolecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Signal transduction
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Mathematical modeling
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Imaging development
Haematopoietic stem cells
Systems biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Respiratory Sciences
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Antibody and protein therapy
Gene therapy
Georgia Isom
IsomStructural biology
Anti-microbial drugs
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Musculoskeletal Science
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Mathematical modeling
Structural biology
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Genomics and statistical genetics
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS
Innate immunity and inflammation
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Viral and autoimmune liver disease
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Epidemiology and population dynamics
Host-pathogen interactions
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Functional genomics
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Chromosomal biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Signal transduction
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Circadian sciences and sleep
Chromosomal Biology
DNA replication and repair
Gene expression
Genetic disorders and therapies
Genomics and statistical genetics
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Pancreatic Islets: physiology, isolation and transplantation
Surgical science and practice
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Transplantation and tolerance
Primary Care, Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Inflammatory bowel disease
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Biomedical engineering
Stem cells and cell therapy
E. Yvonne Jones
JonesBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Structural biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Benedikt Kessler
KesslerBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Syma Khalid
KhalidBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Structural biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Embryonic stem cells
Functional genomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Chromosomal Biology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Systems biology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Samira Lakhal-Littleton
Lakhal-LittletonAssociate Professor of Cell Physiology and MRC Senior Non-Clinical Research ...