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A powerful 2D graphing & visualization program with biostatistics and curve fitting features, available for Windows and macOS

GraphPAD PRISM  is only available in departments which contribute to the Divisional Institutional license. It is available for Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X and distribution is managed within departments. There is an annual charge for PRISM and all subscription are managed by local PRISM administrator. MSD IT cannot supply PRISM to individuals.

Current subscription expires: 30 September 2025

The charge per seat is £40 (2024-2025)

Contributing Departments - Medical Sciences Division

  • Biochemistry
  • Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Clinical Neurosciences
  • Dunn School of Pathology
  • Experimental Medicine
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Jenner Institute
  • Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology
  • Ludwig Institute
  • Medawar Building
  • OCDEM - Churchill Hospital
  • Oncology
  • Pharmacology, & MRC BNDU
  • Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics
  • Structural Genomics Consortium
  • Surgical Sciences
  • Target Discovery Institute/NDMRB
  • Tropical Medicine
  • Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (WIMM)
  • Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics
  • Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroscience/FmRIB/
  • Women’s & Reproductive Health (WRH) 

Contributing departments in other Divisions

  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Plant Sciences
  • Department of Zoology

Please contact your local PRISM administrator to install the software or obtain the current serial number.

The contact details of the local PRISM administrators are available after logging in using your Oxford SSO.

UPDATING PRISM Serial number

You can renew an existing installation of PRISM by entering the new Serial Number from the Help menu:

Screenshot of location of the enter new serial number option in the help menu

You can then enter the new serial number, available from your PRISM administrator:

Screenshot of serial number box


Information for PRISM administrators

PRISM is on an annual subscription that runs from 1 Oct - 30 Sept each year. Departmental seat administrators are invited to request an annual quota which may be added to throughout the year. 

Please complete this online form in order to renew or apply for a subscription for 2024-2025.
Orders placed in September will automatically be carried over to the new subscription.

Seats are managed by departmental or group PRISM administrators via a GraphPAD portal.

The charge per seat is £40.00 (2024-2025)

Please note that PRISM is not available directly to individuals.

For more information about setting up a departmental subscription & pricing, please contact the MSD IT Service Desk or call extension 2-80030.

If you need to add or modify your group's administrators please contact email with the details.