Cloud based service for creation of Scientific Figures for publication.
Platform independent web app.
A premium BioRender subscription allows you to publish your scientific figures.
Annual cost 2024-25: £180 per named account per annum.
Expiry date: 11 November 2025
Please note that existing accounts that are not renewed will be demoted after the renewal date.
Application Form
Please use this on-line application form to request or renew a BioRender premium account.
IMPORTANT: activations cannot be shared, so the number of accounts requested must equal the number of named users & email address must be for a personal account.
Biorender FAQ
- What happens to my illustrations after I upgrade or downgrade? | BioRender Help Center
- BioRender Help Center
We are unable to help with group membership queries. All enquiries about groups must be directed to the group owner.