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The Board's Finance, Research and General Purposes Committee is responsible for considering business relating to finance (including resource allocation), strategic planning and new initiatives, research and innovation, and general purposes (including communication and general policy issues affecting academic staff employment).


Chair: Professor Gavin Screaton

Secretary: Rachel Ives


Professor Francis Barr

Professor Keith Channon

Professor Sir Rory Collins

Professor Richard Cornall

Professor Frances Platt

Professor Matthew Freeman

Professor Belinda Lennox

Professor Freddie Hamdy

Professor Richard Hobbs

Professor Georg Holländer

Professor Krina Zondervan

Professor Mark Middleton

Professor David Paterson

Professor Jonathan Rees

Professor Matthew Rushworth

Professor Kevin Talbot

Nicola Small


Co-opted members:


2023 Meeting Dates

Thursday 2 March 2023

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Thursday 18 May 2023 (additional meeting for budget review)

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Terms of Reference

The committee shall be responsible, under the Medical Sciences Board, for the following matters.


1. The development, implementation, monitoring and refinement of divisional resource allocation procedures to enable annual budgets to be set;

2. The determination of an appropriate budget for the Divisional Office and the central operations of the Division;

3. The monitoring of the work of academic departments against their approved budgets;

4. The creation and oversight of the Division’s finance strategy;

5. The oversight of the Division’s financial procedures and policies;


Strategic Planning and New Initiatives

6. The review of business cases for new academic initiatives, including capital objectives, new course proposals;

7. The periodic review of whether approved new initiatives are delivering expected benefits;

8. Assisting departments in the development of strategic plans and annual operating statements, which will cover academic, financial, IT, space, and staffing issues;

9. On the basis of these plans and statements, assisting the Board in preparing the Division’s short and medium-term plans;

10. Keeping under review all aspects of capital master planning in support of the Division’s estate needs;


Research and Innovation

11. Promoting research and innovation initiatives within the Division and inter-divisionally;

12. Facilitating the exchange of information about funder relationships;

13. Horizon scanning for major strategic funding opportunities;

14. The oversight of research performance across the Division, especially in the context of the REF;

15. The oversight of facilities for research within the Division;

16. The oversight of the allocation mechanisms for internal funds;

17. Advising the Board on policies which promote the responsible conduct of research and meet the relevant regulatory requirements and on the management of risk associated with these issues;

18. Assisting the Board in contributing to the University’s overall policy on research, and its research and innovation strategies;


General Purposes

19. The development, implementation, monitoring, and refinement of divisional strategy for Communication;

20. Advising the Board on general policy issues affecting the terms of employment of academic staff, clinical academic staff and arrangements for academic staff development;

21. Advising on other items of general business when delegated to do so by the Board.


Current & Past Agenda / Papers

To view the current and past agenda/papers, please contact Rachel Ives.

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