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Medical Sciences Board

The Board’s functions and powers are determined by Council Regulations.

Membership, Meeting Dates, Terms of Reference

Finance, Research, and General Purposes Committee

The Board's Finance, Research and General Purposes Committee is responsible for considering business relating to finance (including resource allocation), strategic planning and new initiatives, research and innovation, and general purposes (including communication and general policy issues affecting academic staff employment).

Membership, Meeting Dates, Terms of Reference

Educational Policy AND Standards Committee

The Board’s Educational Policy and Standards Committee is responsible for oversight of the curriculum of its taught degree programmes, definition and implementation of its teaching policies, maintenance and enhancement of standards and the conduct of divisional educational reviews.

Composition, Meeting Dates, Terms of Reference

IT Committee

The Board’s IT Committee provides a forum through which divisional priorities for divisional and central IT support are communicated to relevant central bodies and provide a mechanism to disseminate emerging IT policies and services of the University across the Division.

Membership, Meeting Dates, Terms of Reference

Medical Sciences Distinctions Committee 

The Distinctions Committee makes recommendations in respect of applications for the title of (full) Professor.


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group

The Equality Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group (EDISG) advises the Medical Sciences Divisional Board on all areas of equality and diversity work in relation to staff and students and is responsible for oversight of divisional strategy on equality and diversity matters, identifying main areas where divisional policies and initiatives can be established or enhanced to support a range of underrepresented groups across the staff and student body.

Background, Membership, Terms of Reference

Research Staff Forum

The Medical Sciences Division Research Staff Forum identifies issues, and reviews policies and practice, related to the well-being, career development and working environment of researchers. It comprises Research Staff Representatives and Advocates for Research Staff from each department.  It meets termly and reports both to the University Research Staff Steering Committee (RSSC) and the Medical Sciences Board's Finance, Research and General Purposes Committee (FRGPC).

About, Membership, Terms of Reference

Safety Risk Management Group

The Safety Risk Management Group (SRMG) is the newest committee in the Medical Sciences Governance Structure. Reporting directly to board, the inaugural meeting was held in July 2024. Gavin Screaton chairs in his role as Head of Division.

SRMG Background and Membership