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The Board’s Educational Policy and Standards Committee is responsible for oversight of the curriculum of its taught degree programmes, definition and implementation of its teaching policies, maintenance and enhancement of standards and the conduct of divisional educational reviews.





  • Professor Gavin Screaton
  • Professor Helen Christian
  • Professor Christopher Garland
  • Professor Trevor Sharp
  • Dr Lydia Matthews
  • Professor Gaia Scerif
  • Dr Monika Gullerova
  • Professor Alison Woollard

Student members

  • Niamh Grant - Undergraduate representative

  • Fahad Al-Huda - Postgraduate representative

  • Harjit Singh Nalwa - PGT representative

Co-opted members

  • Professor Chris Pugh
  • Dr Deborah Clarke
  • Professor Robert Wilkins
  • Dr Catherine Swales

2024-25 Meeting Dates

    29 November 2024

    7 March 2025

    13 June 2025

    Terms of reference

    The committee shall be responsible under the Medical Sciences Board for: 

    1. developing educational policy, and teaching and learning strategies;
    2. maintaining oversight of the range of educational provision within the Division;
    3. reviewing the broad policy aspects of proposals for new undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and major changes to existing courses in the context of the Division’s five-year plans and the University;
    4. making recommendations to the Board with regard to new educational initiatives including external collaborations;
    5. maintaining integrated oversight of the organisation, development and delivery of curricula within the Division at both undergraduate and postgraduate level;
    6. responding to consultations and communications on educational policy from within the University and from external bodies such as the GMC and QAA;
    7. keeping under review the arrangements and procedures within units for the assurance and enhancement of educational quality and standards and consistency of practice (where appropriate) with regard to both undergraduate studies (including joint schools) and graduate studies;
    8. keeping under review ways of promoting educational collaboration across the Division;
    9. defining and keeping under review divisional policies in respect of:
      1. access and admissions;
      2. curriculum design and course structure;
      3. teaching, learning, and assessment;
      4. academic and pastoral support and guidance;
      5. provision of learning resources; and
      6. staff development relevant to teaching.
    1. Approving the terms of reference and membership of panels for educational reviews, and to receive and respond to review reports
    2. Receiving the reports of its advisory bodies – the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the Graduate School Committee, the Audit Sub- Committee, – and advice from the Postgraduate Dean. 

    Who to contact:

    To view the current and past agenda/papers, please contact Emma Seidler, PA to the Secretary of EPSC.