Musculoskeletal Science
There is a wide range of basic and clinical research in the fields of epidemiology, engineering, genetics, cell biology and clinical trials, based at the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences on the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and John Radcliffe Hospital sites. Oxford hosts an NIHR Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit.
Basic researchers are investigating the physiology and pathology of musculoskeletal cells including osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteocytes, tenocytes and chondrocytes. Research groups are studying the pathogenesis of bone and arthritic disorders including trauma, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. There are programmes in regeneration medicine/tissue engineering, molecular pharmacology, musculoskeletal genetics and epigenetics and bone oncology. Furthermore, a number of surgical and pharmacological clinical trials are currently being conducted e.g. AIM (ankle injury management), CSAW (shoulder pain), KAT (a pragmatic randomised controlled trial evaluating four knee replacement technologies), TABUL (giant cell arteritis), TOPKAT (total or partial knee arthroplasty) & UKUFF rotator cuff surgery trials. Oxford musculoskeletal engineering team’s research interests include joint design, kinematics of hip/knee, surgical outcomes, RSA studies (Roentgen Stereophotogrammetric Analysis) & finite element analysis. Musculoskeletal epidemiologists are involved in collecting data from various cohorts to understand musculoskeletal diseases and conditions across populations and over the course of time. Finally, the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, carrying out world-leading research into pathogenesis and treatment of arthritic and related disorders including Rheumatoid Arthritis and osteoarthritis, has moved into a new purpose-built facility on the Old Road Campus in Oxford.
Supervisors in Musculoskeletal Science
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Musculoskeletal Science
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Musculoskeletal ageing
Primary care and general practice
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Health Experiences Research
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Abtin Alvand
AlvandHonorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedic Surgery and Consultant Knee ...
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Patient safety
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Medical Statistics
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical science and practice
Jane Armitage
ArmitageProfessor of Clinical Trials and Epidemiology, and Honorary Consultant in ...
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Alzheimer's disease
Cardiovascular Sciences
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Epidemiology & clinical trials
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal ageing
Musculoskeletal Science
Neurodegenerative diseases
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Cell biology and microscopy
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Genes and developmental neuroscience
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Genetics and epigenetics
Integrative physiology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
Musculoskeletal Science
Myocardial biology & energetics
Neurodegenerative diseases
Pancreatic Islets: physiology, isolation and transplantation
Signal transduction
Structural biology and proteomics
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Systems, cognitive and behavioural neuroscience
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Musculoskeletal Science
Inflammatory joint diseases
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Global health
Health Experiences Research
Medical Statistics
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Medical statistics
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal Science
Innate immunity and inflammation
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Structural biology and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Genetic disorders and therapies
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Global health
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Patient safety
Cell biology and microscopy
Innate immunity and inflammation
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Biomedical engineering
Stem cells and cell therapy
Surgical science and practice
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Inflammatory joint diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Inflammatory joint diseases
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Mathematical modeling
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Imaging development
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Innate immunity and inflammation
Mucosal immunity
Inflammatory bowel disease
Cell biology and microscopy
Systems biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical Statistics
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Medical statistics
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical Statistics
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Clinical trials
Epidemiology and population genetics
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Health Experiences Research
Medical Statistics
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Molecular & statistical genetics & translational genomics
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Global health
Health services research
Medical statistics
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care
Medical Statistics
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Innate immunity and inflammation
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Systems biology
Structural biology and proteomics
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Global health
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Medical statistics
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Structural biology and proteomics
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Structural biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell commitment
Cell fate specification and differentiation
Induced pluripotency
Multipotent stem cells
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Musculoskeletal oncology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Musculoskeletal ageing
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Cell commitment
Musculoskeletal Science
Biomedical engineering
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Innate immunity and inflammation
Inflammatory joint diseases
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Innate immunity and inflammation
Mucosal immunology and inflammatory bowel disease
Transplantation and tolerance
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
DNA and protein sequence analysis
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Functional genomics
Statistical genetics
Genomics and statistical genetics
Health economics
Genetics and epigenetics
Siôn Glyn-Jones
Glyn-JonesProfessor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Biomedical engineering
Surgical science and practice
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical Statistics
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Musculoskeletal Science
Bass Hassan
HassanBioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Functional genomics
Cancer diagnostics (biomarkers and imaging)
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Clinical trials
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Endocrine action in cancer and endocrine tumors
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Musculoskeletal Science
Genetics and epigenetics
Musculoskeletal oncology
Health economics
Antibody and protein therapy
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology
Myocardial biology & energetics
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Integrative physiology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Cell biology and microscopy
Signal transduction
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Surgical science and practice
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Transplantation and tolerance
Musculoskeletal Science
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal Science
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Inflammatory joint diseases
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical Statistics
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Medical statistics
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Health Experiences Research
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Samira Lakhal-Littleton
Lakhal-LittletonAssociate Professor of Cell Physiology and MRC Senior Non-Clinical Research ...
Respiratory Sciences
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Integrative physiology
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Musculoskeletal Science
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Global health
Health Experiences Research
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Health services research
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal Science
Innate immunity and inflammation
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
Inflammatory joint diseases
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Musculoskeletal Science
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Surgical science and practice
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cancer therapeutics (including biologicals) and vaccines
Cellular mechanisms (including tumour microenvironment, angiogenesis and metastasis)
Adaptive immunity and autoimmune disease
Innate immunity and inflammation
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Structural biology and proteomics
Antibody and protein therapy
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Biomedical engineering
Musculoskeletal Science
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Evidence-based health care
Patient safety
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Biomedical engineering
Surgical science and practice
Musculoskeletal Science
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Innate immunity and inflammation
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Structural biology and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Global health
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Health economics
Monitoring Chronic Disease
Patient safety
Primary care and general practice
Psychology, mental health and psychiatry
Gynaecological cancer
Maternal health
Clinical trials methodology
Health policy and promotion
Health services research
Musculoskeletal Science
Psychology and Psychiatry
Abnormal psychology and mental health
Cardiovascular Sciences
Epidemiology & clinical trials
Health promotion
Vascular disease
Musculoskeletal Science
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Developmental Biology and Stem Cells
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Innate immunity and inflammation
Biochemistry and chemical biology
Cell biology and microscopy
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Structural biology and proteomics
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Signal transduction
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Molecular, Cell, Systems and Structural Biology
Genetic disorders and therapies
Gene expression
Genetics and epigenetics
Musculoskeletal oncology
Epidemiology and population genetics
Molecular mechanisms (including DNA damage and repair)
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Respiratory Sciences
Design of patient pathways and clinical support systems
Health Experiences Research
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Integrative physiology
Health economics
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Evidence-based health care
Medical Statistics
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical statistics
Musculoskeletal Science
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Surgical science and practice
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Inflammatory joint diseases
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery
Evidence-based health care, clinical trials methodology and epidemiology
Medical Statistics
Primary care and general practice
Population, Global, and Public Health
Evidence-based health care
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Musculoskeletal ageing
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Musculoskeletal Science
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Population, Global, and Public Health
Clinical trials methodology
Evidence-based health care
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Surgical science and practice
Clinical trials methodology
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Clinical trials and epidemiology
Inflammatory joint diseases
Surgical & pharmacological treatment & pain management
Drug discovery and pharmacology
Genetics and epigenetics
Musculoskeletal ageing
Cellular and molecular neuroscience
Neurodegenerative diseases
Genetic disorders and therapies
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Stem cell biology and tissue engineering
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Bioinformatics, Statistics and Computational Biology
Cardiovascular Sciences
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Functional genomics
Genes, Genetics, Epigenetics and Genomics
Integrative physiology
Mathematical modeling
Musculoskeletal Science
Myocardial biology & energetics
Reproductive, Genitourinary and Sexual Medicine
Respiratory Sciences
Systems biology
Translational Medicine and Medical Technology
Musculoskeletal Science
Cellular and molecular biology in musculoskeletal systems
Inflammatory joint diseases
Orthopaedic & biomedical engineering
Membranes, membrane proteins, ion channels and transporters
Musculoskeletal Science
Structural biology and proteomics
Structural biology, protein science and proteomics
Ageing, Geratology and Degenerative Diseases
Microbiology, Infection and Tropical Medicine
Laurent Servais
ServaisProfessor of Paediatric Neuromuscular Diseases, Academic Director of the new ...