Medicine course structure description
A100 Medicine at Oxford
FIRST bm (First 5 terms)
All courses compulsory: Focus on introduction to the fundamental aspects of the structure and function of the human body, and to the basis mechanisms underlying disease.
- Organization of the body
- Physiology and pharmacology
- Biochemistry and medical genetics
- Population health 1: Medical sociology
- Patient and doctor course
Part I Examination
- Applied physiology and pharmacology
- The nervous system
- Principles of pathology
- Psychology for medicine
- Patient and doctor course
Part II Examination
BA in Medical Sciences (last 4 terms)
Two advanced options (examples below), plus a research project and submitted essay. Focus on a spirit of enquiry and critical thinking.
- Neuroscience (systems, cellular, or cognitive and behavioural)
- Pharmacology and signalling
- Cardiovascular science
- Molecular pathology
- Metabolism and endocrinology
- Infection
- Immunity
BA Examination
Separate admissions process applies. Core curriculum focus on preparation for Foundation Training, complemented by wide range of modules that allow development of knowledge/interest in specialist areas, and offer additional research and presentation opportunities.
Year 4: focus on honing of clinical skills
Continuous, staged assessment
- Patient and doctor course II (+GP residential attachment)
- Laboratory medicine
- Rotations in surgery and medicine
- Hospital attachment
- Special study module
Year 5: focus on specialist clinical areas
Continuous, staged assessment
Six 8-week blocks in:
- Paediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Obstetrics & gynaecology and genito-urinary medicine
- Orthopaedics, A&E and musculo-skeletal medicine
- Clinical geratology, dermatology, palliative care, public health, primary care
- Neurology and neurosurgery, ENT, opthalmology
Year 6: consolidation of skills and preparation for practice
Final examination for BM BCh
- Senior rotations in medicine and surgery in Oxford and District General Hospitals
- Options in clinical specialtIes
- Special study modules, 10-week elective, student assistantship