Medicine: Outreach
Attainable, exciting, stimulating, challenging….
These are the words offered by students who attended a recent residential UNIQ summer school for Medicine.
Our student body is one of the most diverse in the UK, and people of all backgrounds and experience succeed here. We value each student's contribution as an individual, and students receive support and direction throughout their studies which are tailored to your particular talents, needs and aspirations.
Who can study Medicine at Oxford?
Why not you? Our tutors are looking for academically gifted students who are committed to a career in Medicine. Your school and general background are of no importance: if you hold, or are on track to achieve, A*AA at A-level (or equivalent), and have an excellent set of GCSE grades, there is every reason to apply.
We do of course recognise that many prospective students worry about tuition and living costs. However, studying at Oxford is no more expensive than studying at other institutions in the UK, and the University runs generous schemes to support its undergraduate students: see the fees & funding website.
For medicine specific funding information see the Funding for Medical Students website.
The University provides particular support to students in the UK from lower income households with the Oxford Opportunity Bursaries, which benefit a large number of students each year. Please go to the Oxford bursaries and fee reductions website to find out more. In addition there are also Crankstart Scholarships. More information on these can be found on the Crankstart website.
Come and meet us in Oxford!
Open days
We hold three open days for Pre-Clinical Medicine each year at the Medical Sciences Teaching Centre in Oxford. See our open days page for further information.
Summer school
The summer school is intended for Year 12 students who are attending state schools in the UK; there are currently two Medicine-oriented courses each year. You can find selection criteria for admission to the course and other information on the UNIQ website.
It has been a fantastic week and I'm so grateful that I was given a chance to experience this. Usually people from my background would be deterred from applying to Oxford thinking it was above their reach, but after coming to this summer school I am very motivated to apply to Oxford. - UNIQ Summer School 2012
STEP inTO OxMED are a group of Oxford medical students who wish to increase the diversity of Oxford medical school by connecting with students from backgrounds which are under-represented in the cohort.
They deliver a host of programmes to help students with UCAS applications, medical school interviews and general preparedness for a career in medicine.
See the STEP inTO OxMED website for more information.