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AS-level grades are not used formally in our ranking process, and our entry requirements and offers will not specify the need for particular AS module grades. AS data is in fact an optional field on the UCAS form, so applicants and schools do have flexibility in the amount of information submitted to us.
It would be usual for applicants to have achieved A grades in AS subjects particularly relevant for Medicine, such as Chemistry, but we take great care to assess each applicant as an individual; any personal or school circumstances that may have affected examination performance will be recognised. Where AS-level grades are available, these can instil confidence that an applicant is working well towards their A2 examinations. 

We are looking for individuals with capability to do well at a course that is demanding both in breadth and depth: an applicant who is struggling to reach the standard of an A grade at AS-level may not be well-suited to it. There may be specific reasons why particular students do not do well in their AS-levels, but they should certainly put any doubt about their potential behind them by the time they start the A2 year if they are to have a realistic prospect of gaining a place.