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If you are applying for a Project Licence you have to complete an accredited course covering EU Modules 9-11, as well as the full PIL A & B course.  If your project licence includes surgical procedures then you'll also need to attend additional PIL C training (Modules 21 & 22).

The PPL Holder Course is structured around a series of presentations delivered by experts in that particular field. Rather than straight lectures, the format is that of a busy, sometimes intense, but always informal and friendly round the table discussion for about 6-9 delegates. See below timetable and the FAQs for more general information.


REMOTE teaching timetable

This is a guide to enable you to plan ahead. Each session is scheduled to last a maximum of two hours (possibly less in practice).  The sessions will be delivered remotely. It is important that you are committed to attending all the sessions though. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.

Monday 16th Sept - 10 am - 12 pm.        Session 1 - Scientific and Ethical Issues

Monday 16th Sept - 2 - 4 pm                   Session 2 - Refinement 

Tuesday 17th Sept - 10 am - 12 pm        Session 3 - Reduction: Determining Significance

Tuesday 17th Sept - 2 - 4 pm                  Session 4 - Reduction: Controlling Variation

Wednesday 18th Sept - 10 am -12 pm   Session 5 - From Replacement to Reporting

Wednesday 18th Sept - 2 - 4 pm            Session 6 - Care-full Stories

Thursday 19th Sept - 10 am - 12 pm      Session 7 - Managing a PPL 

Thursday 19th Sept - 2 pm - 4 pm          Session 8 - Actual Severity Reporting, resources and assessment                                                                                                 instructions