Experimental Design - Learning Outcomes
The learning Outcomes are broadly aligned on Module 10 and those related to good scientific practice in Module 11 (see Project Licence Course): Design of Procedures and Project
At the end of the course, attendees should be able to:
- Describe some of the factors affecting reproducibility and external validity.
- List the different types of formal experimental designs (e.g. completely randomised, randomised block, repeated measures, Latin square and factorial experimental designs).
- Explain the concept of variability, its causes and methods of reducing it
- Describe possible causes of bias and ways of alleviating it
- Identify the experimental unit and recognise issues of non-independence (pseudo-replication).
- Describe the six factors affecting significance, including the meaning of statistical power and “p-values”.
- Identify formal ways of determining sample size.
- Explain the fundamental principles behind the output of an ANOVA, including “blocking” and “interactions”.
(for general info on this course, go back here)