PPL Holder Course Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQs
COVID UPDATE: the course is now run remotely so several of the logistical points are not relevant at the moment, but they are left here for information.
1. Who is the course aimed at?
The course is for people who currently hold or intend to hold a Project Licence. A number of institutions (including Oxford) also require that the Deputy Project Licence holder attend the PPL Holder course.
2. How long does the course last?
The course typically lasts for 2 full days and (usually from 9.00am - 5.00pm).
3. Is there any form of assessment?
If you need a PPL Holder certificate, there is a take-home assignment which will be given to you on the day and that you must complete within 1 month of attending the course.
4. What is included in the course fee?
The course fee covers the course material (web based), a copy of the Design of Animal Experiments book, and various other relevant literature, lunch and as much coffee or tea as you can drink!
5. Do I need to provide a Purchase Order Number?
Yes if you are an internal applicant (ie Oxford University or from one of the Oxford Hospitals). If you are an external applicant then it is up to your institution as to whether you need to supply a Purchase Order Number. Your accounts department in either case should be able to help you. For course fees please visit: https://www.medsci.ox.ac.uk/study/biomedical-training-courses/course-fees
6. Where will the course be held and how do I get there?
The PPL Holder course is usually held in the Biomedical Services Building in South Parks Road. Oxford train station is a 20 minute walk or a 10 minute taxi ride. Parking in the center of Oxford is limited, but there are several park and ride sites on the outskirts: https://parkandride.oxfordbus.co.uk/where-to-park/