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In detail

The exact timings for some topics and attachments may vary, but the broad outline of the course is as follows:

Year 1

Teaching in this year includes small cohort session; lectures; seminars and clinical teaching. Typically, seminar teaching takes place on four days per week, and one day per week is clinical placement: both types of teaching follow the same curriculum as nearly as possible. College teaching usually takes place on some afternoons.

Term 1 (10 weeks): Cellular and molecular biology; ethics; introduction to clinical history and examination skills.

Term 2 (10 weeks): Systems medicine (Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Renal, Gastrointestinal) public health and preventative medicine; ethics; behavioural science teaching.

Term 3 (10 weeks): Systems Medicine (Endocrine, Reproduction).

 Year 1 Assessment: Core Medical Sciences; Ethics; Behavioural Sciences Submitted Work; Clinical Examination.

Year 2

Two week residential clinical attachment.

 Clinical science (4 weeks): Brain and Behaviour.

 Laboratory medicine (9 weeks): Clinical pathology, haematology, biochemistry.

 Clinical Rotations (4 x 4 weeks): Medicine; Surgery (Oxford and Out of Oxford Placements).

Year 3

Women’s and Reproductive Health (7 weeks).

 Paediatrics (7 weeks).

 Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Emergency Medicine (8 weeks).

 Brain and Behaviour (including Neurology and Psychiatry) (16 weeks).

 Community Medicine (8 weeks) including General Practice.

 Read more about Year 3 of the course.

Year 4

Final year clinical rotations in Medicine, Surgery and Medical Specialities (Oxford and out of Oxford placements).

 Elective (10 weeks): usually spent overseas.

 Special study modules (12 weeks) and elective firms; includes an optional GP attachment.

 Student Assistantship (2 weeks): working closely with a clinical team to develop practical and team-working skills.

 F1 Survival Course (2 weeks): essential practical skills and knowledge for junior doctors.

 Final qualification Final BM BCh, June or July of final year.

Read more about year 4 of the course.