Graduate Entry Medicine: Fees and Funding
Some aspects of the current funding scheme are subject to change, and the safest way to gain access to the most up-to-date information about fees is to check the University’s web site. Some general points may help you to understand the basic structure:
- for “home” students, the Oxford course costs about the same as most other UK graduate-entry medical courses;
- students with “home” status (defined in the graduate prospectus and University web site) pay lower fees than do overseas students; in addition, “home” students will (at the time of writing) usually have part of their fees for the final three years of the course paid for them by the Department of Health (through the NHS), and may also be eligible for student loans and NHS bursaries for these final three years: again, the University's web site will give full details of the loans and bursaries available.
The University's site is the definitive resource for questions about fees.
In addition to the fees, remember that you will have to find the cost of living (food, accommodation, etc.) for the four years of the course. The University currently suggests that you allow a budget of about £13,000 per year for living expenses; many people feel that this is a very conservative figure. When budgeting for the course, you should also take into account the expenses you may incur in travelling to hospitals for residential attachments: the medical school has no funds to reimburse these expenses. (Transport to the one-day clinical teaching sessions in the first year is provided by the Medical School without charge.)
Please note that the fees are not fixed for the duration of the course and are likely to rise broadly in line with UK retail price inflation.
Internal funding opportunities
Bursaries, scholarships, hardship funding:
Oxford bursary. Bursary amount depends on annual household income (see link above for amount of funding based on household income). You will be contacted by the bursary team in mid-September if you are eligible.
Baber studentships & Dr Jacqueline White funds: hardship fund for Graduate Entry Medical Students. The primary criterion for the award of a bursary is financial need and priority will be given to students where this is demonstrated. However, decisions will also take into account relevant academic record. Once you start the GEM course, you will be contacted about applying for this award.
Oxford hardship fund. Students must have already started the course and demonstrate financial difficulties during the course.
- Students with Home fee status can be considered for a grant of up to £2,500.
- Students with Overseas/EU/Islands fee status can be considered for a grant of up to £6,000
College specific funding: Colleges offer different scholarships to their students and some have scholarships specifically for medical students. Many colleges also offer hardship funds as well as funds towards ancillary costs (such as for medical equipment and books).
- Green-Templeton
- Harris-Manchester
- Magdalen
- Pembroke
- St Anne’s
- St Catherine’s
- St Hugh’s
- St Peter’s
- Somerville:
- Worcester
External funding opportunities
NHS bursary. You can apply for an NHS bursary to support you in the 2-4th year of the GEM course. Depending on your eligibility, you can receive substantial support with both tuition and living expenses.
Black Heart Foundation Scholarships. Awards are made on the basis of alignment with the aims of the Foundation and financial need.
Sir Richard Stapley Foundation. Awards are competitive and made on the basis of academic merit and financial need. Grants are normally from £500 to £1,300 in value. They are intended to cover the shortfall incurred by educational and subsistence expenses upon payment of tuition fees.
Foulkes foundation. The Foundation provides Fellowships to outstanding postdoctoral scientists in the form of financial support, giving exceptional scientists a unique opportunity to study medicine and become the research leaders of the future.
Notable eligibility criteria: must have completed a PhD at the time of application
The Hilda Martindale Trust makes a very limited number of awards to British women who are training or studying for a career in a profession where women are under-represented. The maximum award is £3,000.
Notable eligibility criteria: must be a female British national
Leathersellers' Student Grants. The Leathersellers’ Student Grants programme aims to support disadvantaged undergraduate students whose circumstances may prevent them achieving their goals otherwise. The maximum grant that may be awarded is £5,000 per year for up to four years, which will be reassessed annually.
Notable eligibility criteria: must be a British citizen or non-British citizen with at least 5 years right to remain in the UK.
Rotary Club Scholarships. Offer-holders and current students can apply to their local club for support; please see the weblink for a search engine to find your local club.
Sidney Perry Foundation. Foundation provides supplemental grants to students, maximum grant being £1,000.
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund. The RMBF offers grants to assist with essential living expenses while studying. The amount of each grant is set according to an individual’s needs. The RMBF does not provide financial support towards tuition fees.
NHS hardship grant. A hardship grant is available for medical and dental students. You may be able to claim between £100 and £3,000, depending on your current financial circumstances.
Student Loans:
Student Finance England: Most GEM students are on a SFE loan. You can see if you are eligible and how much you could get.
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund has some useful information about you can budget each year of the graduate entry course and how much support you can receive from SFE and NHS bursaries each year.