Professor KJ Patel FRS FMedSci will start full-time as Director of the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (MRC WIMM) and the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit (MRC MHU) from 1st June 2020. Between 1st April to 31st May, Professor Patel will be managing these two roles on a part-time basis, whilst transitioning his research programme from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge (MRC LMB), where he is currently based.
Professor Hugh Watkins, Head of the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, said “I am delighted to welcome KJ to the department and am excited about his vision for the MRC MHU and the MRC WIMM. KJ is a scientist of the highest distinction whose own work epitomises how fundamental molecular insights drive important medical advances.”