October 2018 - Site setup begins, pedestrian routes altered, parking relocation
- Early site setup works will start on Monday 15 October
- This will impact vehicle and pedestrian routes (see map above highlighting new routes through the Science Area)
- Preparation work for the main construction will start Monday 12 November
- Enabling works will start to impinge on car parking availability in the area. Please see Biochemistry Building Completion Operational Parking Relocation schema showing the spaces that will be lost (the spaces with a red cross) and the spaces that will be remarked for operational use (the two letter codes in blue which are planned to be marked on 22 October). Since (almost all) of the operational parking is being retained, the reduction of spaces will have a large impact on peak and off-peak permit holders parking in the Science Area
- Actions have been taken to mitigate the impact on permit holders (the number of peak permits valid from 1 October 2018 has already been reduced; additional parking for defined groups has been made available at other sites to ease the pressure in the Science Area) and we will continue to monitor the situation
- All peak permit holders based in the Science Area will be emailed this week to inform them of the reduction in parking availability
- If you have any questions, please contact Rob Cooper, Project Leader, Laing O'Rourke (rcooper@laingorourke.com, M: 07765612916)
Further information can be found in Newsletter Issue 1, Oct 2018