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Guidance on how to apply for a newsletter account

Published: January 2016
Approval: IT Committee 2015

The Medical Sciences Division has a subscription to professional newsletter software (Adestra, managed by Uplands Software) for the use of Divisional and Departmental communications. This professional software will:

  1. Ensure that newsletters are professionally presented, legible on various devices and email clients
  2. Allow departments and units to assess the impact of their communications and adjust them accordingly
  3. Ensure that regulations concerning sending newsletters including opt out, sign up and data protection are respected
  4. Integrate with information on websites and simplify the process of compiling and creating newsletters

This subscription comprises a limited number of ‘sends’ per month. Departments and Units may apply for a newsletter project, this will include a workspace and an allocation of monthly ‘sends’ within the system in order to send out their own newsletter or bulletin. If the Department or Unit wishes to develop more than one newsletter project within their workspace they must submit an additional application.

This document outlines the criteria the Division will use in considering those requests and explains the application process.


  • To ensure that the software is used for appropriate communications across the Division
  • To ensure that the proposed newsletters are part of a coherent communications strategy
  • To ensure that users of the software are aware of their responsibility to use the system appropriately and to comply with current legislation on electronic marketing and data protection
  • To ensure that the monthly send allowance is not exceeded


  • The request is accompanied by written support from the Department Administrator / Head of Department
  • A completed application form (log in required) covering:
  1. A named workspace owner with responsibility for all newsletters sent
  2. Understanding of requirements and possible additional costs (SSO login required)
  3. For each proposed newsletter project in the workspace - a business case and strategy.  This should include:
  • purpose and proposed content
  • frequency
  • number of sends
  • opt-out policy
  • fit within the overall communications strategy for the department
  • long term maintenance plan


  1. An Adestra newsletter request application form (SSO login required)* including the business case covering the criteria above and a copy of the letter or email of support from the Department Admininstrator and Head of Department should be submitted to the Head of Communications (
  2. Requests will be considered at a fortnightly meeting with the Divisional Registrar- applicants should be aware that a response may take three to four weeks.

* Please see the newsletter guidance notes and example newsletter request application (SSO login required)