Page structure, titles and headings
- Page structure should be logical and consistent with other pages on the website. For example, don’t disable the left hand navigation and then use a portlet to rebuild it on the right.
- When using a keyboard to navigate a page, the order must be logical.
- Only use bullet points for lists, not to draw attention to one sentence or link.
- Do not use negative space to create space between paragraphs. Instead use headings to break the content into short, manageable and easy-to-read sections. The paragraph and heading functionality has accessibility compliant space built-in.
Page Titles
- Page titles must be unique to the site and indicate the purpose of the page.
- Page titles should be in either Sentance Case or Capital Case and the chosen format should be used consistently throughout. All caps should not be used.
- Use headings and sub-headings to break page content into short manageable sections.
- Headings should be hierarchical.
- Headings must be informative and meaningful.
- Headings should be in either Sentance Case or Capital Case and the chosen format should be used consistently throughout. All caps should not be used.
- Don’t use headings for items that aren’t headings, e.g. to draw attention to a line of text.
- Don’t use bold as a substitute for a heading.
Videos & Guides
How to edit a page title on a standard Haiku web page.
Guide on how to edit the page title (same content as video).
How to create headings and sub-headings.
Guide on how to create headings and sub-headings (same content as video).