Images & images containing text
All Images
- All images must have meaningful alternative (alt) text. The alt text must provide the same information presented by the image. You don’t need to prefix it with ‘image of’ or ‘photo of’.
- Image file names should be informative and meaningful.
Images containing text
- Images containing text should be avoided, logos are exempt from the regulations.
- If unavoidable, images containing text must have a suitable text alternative to include the image text.
Infographics, charts, graphs and posters should have the full text description available, located either near the image or on a separate webpage, linked to from the infographic page. The alt text should describe where the description is.
Videos & Guides
How to add alt text and copyright information to a new image in the media section of a standard Haiku webpage
Guide on how to add alt text and copyright information (same content as the video)
How to add or edit the alt text of an image uploaded to the media section of a page
Guide on how to add or edit the alt text of an image uploaded to the media section of a page (same content as the video)
How to add or edit the alt text of an image in the image library
Guide on how to add or edit the alt text of an image uploaded to the image library (same content as the video)