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This course is intended for a broad audience (undergraduate/postgraduate students and staff) from diverse backgrounds who have not worked with MATLAB or other programming languages before and wish to acquire the basics in a time-efficient and hands-on manner. This course is not suitable for researchers with extensive experience in MATLAB or similar languages. The second session will build on input from the previous and it is only recommended to register if both sessions can be attended.

 You are expected to attend two sessions:

  • Friday 4 April, 14:00 - 15:30
  • Friday 11 April, 14:00 - 15:30

COURSE content

This course will give novices to MATLAB an actionable introduction into this programming language. It will be run online and assumes no prior knowledge of coding and statistics. We will go through the course objectives together and subsequently participants will be encouraged to complete simple exercises to consolidate learning. A publicly available human electrophysiology data set will be circulated in advance for the purposes of this course. After each session, codes that were covered will be circulated to all participants for personal revision.

No prior knowledge of MATLAB or other programming languages.

Access to a MATLAB license (available from University of Oxford). Instructions of how do download and install MATLAB on your computer will be circulated before the course.



Over two sessions of 90 minutes participants will learn how to:

Session 1:

  • Import data into MATLAB
  • Work with arrays and matrices
  • Visualise data
  • Write scripts and functions

Session 2:

  • Code ‘foor-loops’ and ‘if-statements
  • Run parametric and non-parametric, paired and non-paired statistical tests
  • Perform different methods of time-frequency decomposition (short-time fast Fourier transform and complex wavelet transform)


30 participants 


It is now a requirement that you complete the three short questions in the survey you receive after attending the course. Once you have submitted the survey, you will be sent an email with a link to your attendance certificate. This is to ensure we receive the feedback we need to evaluate and improve our courses. Survey results are downloaded and stored anonymously.

feedback from previous sessions

I'm new to MATLAB. But this helped me gain a new interest in this field


The tutor is great, the delivery is very clear and easy to understand.
I enjoyed learning about for loops and if statements, continue with the basics of matlab as they are important when starting