Analysing biological data by model fitting in GraphPad Prism, online
Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 9.30am to 12pm
Apply for this courseThe course is suitable for all MSD postgraduate research students and early career researchers wanting to analyse and compare their biological data using model fitting. No prior statistical knowledge is required.
Experimental biologists often need to compare the outcome of multiple treatments when data is collected over multiple doses or time points. In this workshop, we will explain how to make statistical comparisons between different curves using model fitting. We will highlight how this procedure provides mechanistic insight that is not readily available if the experiment was carried out at a single dose or time point.
No prior knowledge of mathematical modelling or statistics will be assumed and discussion will be restricted to tools available in Graphpad Prism. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data, which they can analyse with assistance in the last section of the course.
Part 1. Motivation
Examples of common biological data where fitting models can be used to test hypotheses.
Part 2. How does model fitting work?
An introduction to the basics of how models are fit to data, including how to assess the quality of the fit. A practical demonstration in GraphPad Prism is provided.
Part 3. How can we compare multiple datasets using model fitting?
An introduction to comparing curves using model fitting, including how to obtain p-values for relevant comparisons. A practical demonstration in GraphPad Prism is provided.
Part 4. Summary
Part 5/6. Practical Open Sessions (Optional)
The final part of the course involves ‘hands-on’ experience with GraphPad Prism. Exercises and Case Studies are provided that will guide participants to carry out model fitting and hypothesis testing in GraphPad Prism. Participants are also encouraged to bring and analyse their own data.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to
- Identify examples of biological data where model fitting is useful
- Understand how to fit biological data to models
- Compare two data sets using model fitting
To benefit from Part 5/6, you will need your laptop with a copy of GraphPad Prism installed. A 30-day trial version of Prism is available for download or it can be purchased for a small fee through your IT department (MSD IT has low cost pooled licenses).
Maximum 40
It is now a requirement that you complete the three short questions in the survey you receive after attending the course. Once you have submitted the survey, you will be sent an email with a link to your attendance certificate. This is to ensure we receive the feedback we need to evaluate and improve our courses. Survey results are downloaded and stored anonymously.
feedback from previous sessions
I liked the recap of statistical power and the explanations of why to use each test, very helpful.
I thought this course was excellent. It was concise, the duration was well-timed, and the mode of teaching was excellent. A short didactic segment at the start, followed by practical exercises and practical learning with the opportunity to ask questions and clarify.
Very good structure and mode of teaching for this type of training. Also not being too heavily reliant on pre-reading or pre-course work. The tutor was also very clear and knowledgeable and answered all our questions. Excellent.