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  • A competitive overall BMSAT score and ranking.
  • Motivation and capacity for sustained and intense work.
  • A strong track record of academic achievement, and particular ability and potential in science and/or mathematics. An excellent record at GCSE (or equivalent).
  • Evidence that the academic terms of a conditional offer are likely to be met.
  • Intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm and readiness to cope with the academic demands of the course.
  • Reasoning and problem solving ability: use of a logical and critical approach, and strong powers of analysis.
  • Communication: Good command of the English language. Ability to express ideas clearly and effectively. Ability to listen.
  • Ability to generate own ideas and proposals. Originality and creativity of thought, lateral thinking and hypothesis-generation.
  • A demonstrable commitment to the study of biomedical sciences and/or neuroscience at university.