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Ten innovative data solutions to healthcare challenges, including a project led by the Head of the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS), Professor Freddie Hamdy, are set to receive a share of £3 million Government funding following a UK-wide competition. The initiatives will see NHS, universities and companies combining expertise and using health data responsibly to drive innovation and improve health outcomes for people across the UK.

Professor Freddie Hamdy in an operating theatre

The UK has some of the richest health data of anywhere in the world, yet it is fragmented, and its potential to improve lives is often untapped. To address this and demonstrate the power of data in health research to transform lives the Government is funding ‘proof of concept’ initiatives, led by Health Data Research UK. These will inform the creation of a UK-wide infrastructure that securely and safely connects health data research and innovation

Read more (Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences website) 

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