PLTO Masters teaching ONLINE
Thursday, 24 November 2022, 9am to 1pm
***This course is fully booked*** This online MSD Skills Training course is for postgraduate research students and postdoctoral early career researchers in the Division who want to teach on taught Masters programmes in the University and HE more generally.
This course introduces you to learning and teaching in higher education. Please note that this is a requirement for teaching in many departments in MSD.
First, you will work through ‘Core content’ in Canvas using this link, consisting of several modules including a short quiz.
Please see the main PLTO information page for further details.
Once you have completed the core content modules and quiz, you will be able to access the link to book a live session. Once your booking is confirmed, you will then be provided a link to access further Canvas content, which will ensure you get the most out of your live session.
Your scheduled four-hour live session will provide the opportunity to apply the PLTO core content to teaching on a taught Masters programme at Oxford. Course tutors will ask you to provide feedback via Vevox at the end of the session to evaluate their teaching. This is in addition to the brief MSD Skills feedback questionnaire you need to complete before you can access your certificate.
Please remember that you need to complete ‘Core content’ and attend a live session to receive your PLTO attendance certificate.
- Apply evidence-based principles of learning to your teaching
- Develop appropriate and achievable intended learning outcomes (ILOs)
- Design innovative teaching and learning approaches accounting for visible and invisible diversity of students (and teachers)
- Manage student dynamics in the classroom ensuring equitable engagement
- Evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching
You need to self enrol on Canvas using using this link, to access ‘Core content’. Once you have completed ‘Core content’, you can book a place on the live session and read through the preparatory materials (you will be provided a link to self enrol on Canvas in the booking email confirmation).
Please refer to ‘Process through Parts 1 and 2’ on the main PLTO information page for a step-by-step guide through the process.
We recommend you set aside three hours to complete the ‘Core content’, and make sure that you have a good internet connection and uninterrupted time for the live session. Please be aware that the live session is interactive, so you will need to activate your microphone and you are encouraged to use your camera if possible.
It is now a requirement that you complete the three short questions in the survey you receive after attending the course. Once you have submitted the survey, you will be sent an email with a link to your attendance certificate. This is to ensure we receive the feedback we need to evaluate and improve our courses. Survey results are downloaded and stored anonymously.
Where no cost is given in the shopping trolley, no deposit is required. However, two or more non-attendances or late cancellations without good reason will be logged and may mean you cannot attend any further MSD training that term. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further information.