Academic Administration
Surgical Course Administrator: Eleanor Wilson Ext 12285
Assistant Surgical Course Administrator/PA: Jackie Heap Ext 12286
Clinical Administration
Clinical Secretary (Vascular Unit): Hollie Lord Ext 21284
Oxford Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Study (OxAAA)
Research Group
- Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
- Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- British Transplantation Society
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
- Association for the Study of Medical Education
Ashok Handa
Director of Surgical Education
- Associate Professor in Surgery
- Consultant Vascular Surgeon
- Training Programme Director (Vascular Surgery)
- Tutor for Graduates (St. Catherine's College)
As the Clinical Tutor in Surgery I am responsible for the strategic planning and delivery of the surgical courses for the University of Oxford.
As part of this role I chair the Surgical Teaching Committee and organise the 4th year assessments for the University as well as the Final BM assessments. I contribute to the teaching strategy of the Division of Medicine as member and past Chair of the General Tutors Group and as a member of the Clinical Education Committee and was appointed as Associate Director of Clinical Studies due to my contribution to the Oxford course development over the last 12 years.
I was instrumental in the successful introduction of OSCE’s as part of the 4th year assessments for the Medical school and the introduction of multi-professional training in the surgical curriculum. I have undertaken two reviews of the surgical curriculum and completed the Diploma Course in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in the University of Oxford. I have put in place a formal system of faculty development for teachers, undertaken a review of our assessment strategy and been instrumental in the development of the 2nd BM examinations. I helped set up the Hugh Cairns Surgical careers society for medical students eleven years ago.