Divisional Accolades: Commendation (titular)
The Selection Panel has the discretion to award Commendations and reserves the right to redistribute applications/nominations to different categories within and between the Main Awards and Divisional Accolades schemes.
Commendations are titular (unfunded) Divisional (rather than University) level accolades.
Normally, Commendations will be awarded under the following circumstances:
a) For continued excellent contributions made by previous recipients of Excellent Teacher awards who reapply or who are renominated.
Previous recipients of Excellent Teachers awards who reapply or are renominated under that category will automatically be considered for the award of a Divisional Commendation. This is because previous recipients of Excellent Teacher awards will not be eligible to receive a second Excellent Teacher award until they have accumulated 3 or more Commendations from the Division, over a period of 6 years.
b) To reward high quality contributions to teaching if the current round of applications/nominations was of exceptionally high standard. Those who have accumulated 3 or more Commendations from the Division, over a period of 6 years will be automatically awarded an Excellent Teacher Award.
How to Apply/Nominate
It is unnecessary to nominate individuals for Commendations as candidates will be identified from the other categories for which nominations and/or applications are accepted.