Educational Strategy and Quality Assurance
Our team provides a focus for the Division’s strategy and activities around: educational policy developments and implementation, standards, quality assurance, and operational arrangements across undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research degrees in Medical Sciences.
The team is led by the Head of Education Policy and Planning, with the Senior Educational Policy Officer and the Assistant Registrar (Graduate School), who have oversight of undergraduate and graduate taught degrees, and graduate research degrees respectively.
We discharge the Division’s educational responsibilities through a variety of committees and operational activities. We work closely with Divisional and departmental academic leads and administrators, as well as student representatives and University officers. The team consults departments and course organisers regularly on the development of educational strategy, policy and procedures.
We would be pleased to assist if you require advice and support in areas such as the development of new courses and other initiatives, changes to teaching examinations and assessment, and compliance with University and Divisional quality assurance requirements.
Academic administration
University policy and guidance
Quality assurance
Information and guidance
Undergraduate courses
Resource site for course teams
Postgraduate Taught courses
Resource site for course teams
Teaching Excellence Awards
The Teaching Excellence Awards scheme recognises and rewards excellence in teaching, supervision, the organisation and development of teaching, and support for teaching and learning, within a research-intensive environment. Additionally, project funding is available for discrete projects to enhance students’ education and for other educational priorities.
Your team
Emma Seidler (on Maternity Leave)
Seidler (on Maternity Leave)Personal Assistant to Head of Education Policy and Planning
Catherine Russell ( Maternity Leave cover)
Russell ( Maternity Leave cover)Personal Assistant to Head of Education Policy and Planning