Contact information
Medical Sciences Divisional Office (Education)
University of Oxford
The Fleming Suite
Level 3, John Radcliffe Hospital
Oxford OX3 9DU
Clare Sheppard
Senior Educational Policy Officer
Together with the Head of Education Policy and Planning, I am responsible for the development and implementation of educational policies for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in the Medical Sciences Division. I also oversee quality assurance and enhancement arrangements for taught courses and the divisional Teaching Excellence Awards scheme, for which the Education Quality Assurance Officer has day-to-day responsibility.
I act as Secretary to the division’s Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) and postgraduate taught (PGT) Course Directors Forum.
I work closely with the Chairs of USC, Directors of Undergraduate Studies, Undergraduate Studies Administrators, MSc Directors, Graduate Studies Administrators, Education Policy Support, Student Administration and the divisional Graduate School.
Please contact me for questions relating to:
- Any aspect of educational policy relating to taught courses
- Undergraduate Studies Committee and the PGT Course Directors Forum
- New courses and major/minor changes to courses
- Changes to Examination Regulations
- Divisional reviews of taught courses