Delivering the Oxford Medical Lecture Series
The purpose of the Oxford Medical Lecture Club (OMLC) is to hear and discuss talks presented to medically qualified Oxford Alumni, other ‘medics’ with an Oxford connection, those teaching future clinical students in Oxford, and even some of the latter.
A Joint Liaison Committee will be formed of members of OMLC and members of OMA (Oxford Medical Alumni) to support the ongoing lecture series. OMA undertakes to support ten lectures per annum on medical or medically related themes in a setting that can accommodate a minimum of 70 people, offer light refreshments and has the capacity both suitably to illustrate the lectures and to distribute them live on Zoom.
Potential speakers will be selected by the Joint Liaison Committee and invited to speak by one of its members. The OMA Alumni Manager or her representative will coordinate all arrangements with the location host/caterer (or separate caterer), confirming all arrangements beforehand with the OMLC Treasurer, and liaising with the speaker to ensure their needs are met. A member of the Joint Committee will be deputed to introduce each speaker and conduct the Q & A session.
The OMLC Treasurer or her representative, along with other Committee members who are available, will serve as hosts of the event, greeting arrivals etc. The OMA Manager or her representative will attend each meeting to help it run smoothly.
With the speaker’s permission, the recorded lectures will be made available as soon as possible on the OMLC page of the OMA website. Talks will be transmitted electronically without charge. The OMA Manager will add attendees to their data base and so record attendance at each lecture.
Each OMLC member may introduce one or two guests per meeting, but such persons cannot again be the guest of the same member. Guests will be encouraged to become members.
OMLC members who attend meetings in person will pay OMLC an annual subscription (currently £40). Subscriptions should cover the cost of refreshments, plus a book token for each speaker. If the subscriptions far exceed the costs of running the events the Liaison Committee will discuss for the benefit of OMLC how such surplus be best distributed.
Annual subscriptions will be paid into a specified OMLC bank account, administered by the OMLC Treasurer and her successors under the auspices of the Joint Liaison Committee. The OMLC Treasurer will maintain the bank account and be responsible for recording and depositing the subscriptions, paying invoices and monitoring membership.
The President of OMA, the OMA manager and the OMLC Treasurer will be members of the Joint Committee ex officio (as would a Chairman of OMLC if one had been elected).
If you would like to find out more about the Lecture Club, please contact OMA.