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Research groups

Mark J. Buckley

MA DPhil

Professor of Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience

  • Fellow of The Queen's College

Research Summary

I head the Brain and Behaviour Research Group in which we conduct basic neuroscience research to determine how neural systems underlie behaviour and cognition. Applied research aimed at relieving debilitating brain disease and disorders (e.g. dementias, amnesias, Schizophrenia, mood disorders etc.) depends crucially on basic research advancing understanding of how normal neural activity underlies normal behaviour, in addition to understanding why abnormal and dysfunctional behaviour may occur when these brain networks are compromised.  For example, we have long been interested in understanding how brain areas in the temporal lobes and in associated regions, some of which become dysfunction in dementias including Alzheimer’s Disease, operate in mediating perception and memory. Likewise we have also focused our attention on understanding how more anterior brain regions in the frontal lobes operate in mediating learning and memory as well as other key elements of cognition including choice behaviour and goal-directed behaviour. An overarching theme of the current research in my laboratory is to progress beyond the traditional focus of research on individual regions and move to an understanding of how networks of interconnected brain regions interact together to mediate normal learning, memory and cognition. To do this we have to investigate both normal and abnormal brain function using a range of complementary neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging techniques. Our work is funded by the MRC, BBSRC, and Wellcome Trust.