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James Sheppard

Ph.D. BSc(Hons), PGCert

Associate Professor

  • Wellcome Trust/Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow
  • NIHR Oxford BRC Senior Fellow

I am a Population Health Scientist interested in better understanding the benefits and harms of treatments, with a particular focus on cardiovascular disease prevention. My research aims to develop tools which improve the targeting of preventative therapies such as antihypertensives and statins at patients with the most to gain.


I lead the Stratified TreAtments Research (STAR) Group which uses data from routine electronic health records to better understand the association between treatment and harms. Our work uses prognostic modelling techniques to predict those patients who are most likely to benefit and those most likely to suffer harm from these treatments. We also undertake systematic reviews of adverse events associated with treatment and randomised controlled trials of targeted deprescribing in older patients, including the OPTiMISE trial.


My previous work has involved developing a clinical prediction tool for PRedicting Out-of-OFfice Blood Pressure (PROOF-BP) to enable targeting of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in primary care. I teach on the Evidence Based Medicine MSc degree programme, am deputy for the department's Athena Swan initiative and Secretary of the British and Irish Hypertension Society.