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Graduate School

Subject Areas

Select a research theme from the list below to see the supervisors and courses available in that area. You can narrow down the list of supervisors by selecting a sub-theme.

When you select a supervisor you will see the direct-entry DPhil (PhD) course(s) that you should apply to if you wish to go straight into their laboratory. You should contact supervisors before you apply to check if they will consider an application.

Also shown are the structured DPhil (PhD) courses they are associated with. It is possible (but not guaranteed) that you will be able to do a research project with that supervisor if you are accepted on one of these courses.

We also offer a part-time, variable-rate Doctor of Medicine (DM) programme of up to eight years duration, open to doctors employed in the NHS locally or by the University.

Cancer© jovan vitanovski - Shutterstock


Pink heart inside of the chest area© Nerthuz - Shutterstock

Cardiovascular Sciences

Culture tub© science photo - Shutterstock

Developmental Biology and Stem Cells

Diabetes tester© Dmitry Lobanov - Shutterstock

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Liver in red colour© Sebastian Kaulitzki - Shutterstock

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Red globule© - Shutterstock


Purple virus© Juan Gaertner - Shutterstock


Cells© Sebastian Kaulitzki - Shutterstock

Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology

Bones of the shoulder area© Sebastian Kaulitzki - Shutterstock

Musculoskeletal Science

Brain in yellow and blue© decade3d - anatomy online - Shutterstock


Hand holding another hand with a tube stick on for treatment© sumroeng chinnapan - Shutterstock


Female doctor with a young male patient© Monkey Business Images - Shutterstock

Primary Care, Clinical Epidemiology, and Health Care Delivery

Human silhouette on the grass where a person is walking in© Mopic - Shutterstock

Psychology and Psychiatry

Lungs in blue an yellow colours© decade3d - anatomy online - Shutterstock

Respiratory Sciences

Spermatozoids running to the ovule© Sebastian Kaulitzki - Shutterstock

Women’s and Reproductive Health

Images courtesy of Shutterstock