Sir Roger Bannister Neurology Prize 2024
The Sir Roger Bannister Prize competition rewards undergraduate medical students who excel in the study of neuroscience.
- Alexandra Knighton, Balliol College
- Louisa Webb, New College was awarded the proxime accessit
Ledingham Prize
Prize awarded for outstanding performance in Medicine in the General Clinical Studies Examination in Medicine and Surgery by the Examiners appointed for the Second BM examination:
- Josephine Carnegie, Somerville College
George Pickering Prize
Prize awarded for excellent performance in the Second BM examination:
- Rebecca Howitt, Queen’s College
Mortensen Prize
Prize awarded for outstanding performance in Surgery in the General Clinical Studies Examination in Medicine and Surgery by the Examiners appointed for the Second BM examination:
- Alexandra Shipley, Green Templeton College
The John Potter Essay Prize 2023/24(Neurology)
The prize is awarded for an essay on a clinical neurosurgical, neurological or neuropathological topic. The primary purpose of the prize is the promotion of sound use of English and clarity of expression in medical writing.
- Patrick James Oliver, Green Templeton College
Andrew Markus Essay Prize in Medical Ethics 2024
An annual student essay prize in Medical Ethics was established in memory of Andrew Markus. Essays are invited from all Oxford medical students that contain an analysis of an ethical issue arising in medical practice, broadly conceived.
- Winner – Alexander Bampton (Green Templeton College)
- Runners up - Brendan Emmanuel (Corpus Christi College), Kaesha Marantz (New College), Ellana Slade (Pembroke College)
Peter Tizard Prize in Paediatrics 2023/24
The prize is awarded annually. The 3 to 5 students with the combined highest scores in the paediatric components of the end of year 5/GE year 3 exam (both MCQ and OSCE) will be invited to give a presentation to two examiners. The most outstanding student will receive the prize.
The prize was awarded this year as follows:
- Amy Whitmore, Keble College
- Emma Simmons (Pembroke College) and Paras Patel (St Hilda’s College) were awarded proxime accesserunt.